Let’s build a powerful brand together

The University of Toronto’s outstanding reputation is one of our greatest assets, both at home and abroad. As advancement communicators, we have a responsibility to speak with a compelling and unified institutional voice that reflects and reinforces this stature, and inspires many different audiences to support and engage with our work.
This brand book provides a framework for delivering many different kinds of stories about U of T, while speaking with a unified voice. Of course, unity is not the same as conformity. Each of our campuses, colleges, faculties and departments has its own story to tell, and our task is to convey the unique spirit and identity of our divisions through distinctive storytelling. At the same time, we have an opportunity to connect these stories to the University’s core values and characteristics. This helps create a cohesive, rather than fragmented, view of the University, and shows how every part of our community benefits from the greater whole.
This website presents a number of tools that we think will help us achieve greater clarity, consistency and cohesion for our communications. We hope you find these recommendations helpful in your work as a communicator. The more consistent we are able to be in the way we speak, write and design, the more likely it is that people will understand and internalize what makes U of T an exceptional place—worthy of their time, engagement and support.