Generate Links to Alumni Reunion Events
Generate Links to Alumni Reunion Events
How do the link generators work?
These link generators will help you drive your audience to a curated listing of Reunion events they can register for.
- To link to a single event OR some (but not all!) of your division’s events, use the Specific Event(s) Link Generator.
- To link to ALL of your division’s events, use the Divisional Listing Link Generator.
- Always test your generated link by clicking it and reviewing which events display.
- As event names change, or new events are added, these link generators will be manually updated. If your event is missing or you’re experiencing any issues, please contact central Alumni Relations.
Specific Event(s) Link Generator
Divisional Listing Link Generator
Link to type of events (online, in-person, free, etc)
The links below can be used to field inquiries from alumni who are interested in certain types of events – for example, “all online events” or “all family-friendly events.”
From the bulleted list below, select the type of event you would like to link to and copy the corresponding link.