Generate Links to Alumni Reunion Events

Generate Links to Alumni Reunion Events

How do the link generators work?

These link generators will help you drive your audience to a curated listing of Reunion events they can register for.

  • To link to a single event OR some (but not all!) of your division’s events, use the Specific Event(s) Link Generator.
  • To link to ALL of your division’s events, use the Divisional Listing Link Generator.
  • Always test your generated link by clicking it and reviewing which events display.
  • As event names change, or new events are added, these link generators will be manually updated. If your event is missing or you’re experiencing any issues, please contact central Alumni Relations.

  • Specific Event(s) Link Generator

    Divisional Listing Link Generator

    Link to type of events (online, in-person, free, etc)

    The links below can be used to field inquiries from alumni who are interested in certain types of events – for example, “all online events” or “all family-friendly events.”

    From the bulleted list below, select the type of event you would like to link to and copy the corresponding link.